Digital Solutions: How Customized JIRA ITSM Cloud Elevated Complaint Management 


Our client, a forward-thinking organization, faced a critical challenge in managing complaints efficiently. The former system had been abruptly phased out by company headquarters, leaving local factories without a reliable solution. The need for a streamlined, light-weight system to handle complaints submitted by agents and customers was urgent.


The absence of an effective complaints management system posed several challenges:

  • Operational Inefficiencies:

Local factories struggled to manage complaints without a robust system in place.

  • Loss of Productivity:

The lack of a replacement system hindered their ability to address issues promptly.

  • Risk of Escalation:

Unresolved complaints could escalate, impacting customer satisfaction and brand reputation.


To address these challenges, our team proposed a comprehensive solution leveraging JIRA ITSM Cloud. Here’s how we tackled the problem:

1. Project Management and Collaboration:
  • Our dedicated business analyst and skilled JIRA engineer led the project.
  • Activity and use case diagrams were meticulously prepared to map out the entire complaints workflow.
2. JIRA ITSM Customization:
  • We deployed the standard edition of JIRA ITSM Cloud, ensuring scalability and flexibility.
  • Leveraging ScriptRunner and the JIRA Toolkit Plugin, we customized the system to align with the client’s specific business requirements.
  • Key customizations included defining custom fields, issue types, workflow stages, issue screens, access controls, and email notifications.
  • Workflow automation was implemented to streamline processes.


  • Efficient Complaint Handling:

Agents and customers now have a user-friendly platform to report and track complaints effectively.

  • Real-time Monitoring:

Dashboards provide insights into ticket progress, allowing timely

  • Automated Escalation:

SLA-based escalation ensures prompt resolution.

  • Validated Workflow:

Active validation of steps and data prevents errors and ensures consistency.

The customized JIRA ITSM Cloud solution transformed the way complaints are managed, empowering the organization to deliver exceptional service while maintaining operational excellence. By bridging the gap left by the former system, our client now enjoys streamlined processes and improved customer satisfaction.

  Custom Business & Software Engineering Solutions